Roving firefly in Kampung Terbang, Temengor

There are a lot of fireflies (including the star worm) in Belum-Temengor forest complex, mainly of the male fireflies with a roving behaviour of finding the female firefly. Yet to hear of any inland congregating fireflies.

05-090811: I visited Kg Terbang for the Hornbill counting organised by the Malaysian Nature Society. A citizen science project where volunteers learn to count hornbills as well as experiencing basic living with few basic items.

A species of firefly was observed nightly around the village. The moon was nearly full on the few dry nights, but the fireflies were out and about. Mostly males were seen flying around at almost the same flight path and altitude, which is amazing. Why and how which requires further investigation.

The lights of the males observed were orangey yellow. And some are more yellowish, could it be two different species or different sexes? Did not get to see it close up, as I did not bring a net with me.

This bg fella is about 1 cm in length and the blnking lights (about once per second) were bright. Belonging to the Luciolinae sub family of the Lampyridae family. From the fuzzy pictures of the butt, some of my friends thought that it may be the newly created genus Asymmetricata spp.  These fireflies are common in Thailand and Temengor is near to Thailand.

140911: My colleague Eileen, was at the base camp. She found a firefly larva around the compost site, glowing. Those nights were wet with rain drizzling at night, and very few adult fireflies out in the field. There were more yellow lights out those nights. Possibly the females? Photo credit: Eileen Chiang/MNS

To be cont.

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